Olive EDC Basic

A customizable space-efficient endoscope Drying and Storage cabinet that assures effective drying.

Standard Size: 715 (L)x725 (W)x 2230(H)

Customizable cabinet available in Stainless Steel & Galvanized Iron

GI: Powder coated design in galvanized Iron Body.

SS: Non-porous chamber construction using Stainless Steel 304 Body.

Continuous Temperature Monitoring inside cabinet

What makes Olive EDC different from traditional Endoscope Storage Cabinets?

Traditional Storage Cabinet Olive EDC
High risk of contamination from microbial growth Reduces contamination risk by eliminating dampness through constant temperature monitoring and drying
Increases Long-term costs for Organization Extends Life of Endoscopes, proving it profitable in the long-run
Not compatible for units with limited space Optimum utilisation of space with vertical hangers for 6,9,12,16 and 18 scopes
Minimal visual appeal Sleek designs suitable for enhancing the endoscopy unit
Lack of air Passage to ensure scope remains dry Equipped with filtered air passage through that ensures scope is devoid of moisture
Traditional wood cabinet doors may pose difficulty due to tightening during cold months Lack of air Passage to ensure scope remains dry Equipped with filtered air passage through that ensures scope is devoid of moisture Traditional wood cabinet doors may pose difficulty due to tightening during cold months Metal doors that enable ease in opening and closing
Risk of collection of dust inside the cabinet from wood No risk of dust and dirt collection inside the cabinet